Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Micro-Controller Course

Micro-Controller Course Outline

1. Embedded System Design
2. Automation and controlling system
3. Arduino as a controller
Overview of Basic Electronic:
1. Current and Voltage
2. Ohm’s Law
3. Resistors and Capacitors
4. Voltage and Current Divider Rule
5. Diode and Transistors
6. Basic working principle of OP-Amp
7. Application of Resistors, Capacitors, Diodes, Transistors,
Overview of Digital Electronics:
1. Number System
2. Logic Levels/Logic Values
3. 8-Bit Registers
Embedded C Programming:
Course duration = 3 months
Per weak =3 class
Duration per class = 3 hours
Course fee = 6,000 Tk.
1. C programming Overview & Installing Code Blocks
2. If-else Statement
3. Switch Statement
4. While Loop
5. Do-While Loop
6. For Loop
7. Function
8. Structure & Macro
9. Basic concept of Object Oriented Programming
10. Brief discussion about OOP Class, Object, Inheritance &
11. Polling & Interrupt based Software Development
Arduino & Proteus:
1. Arduino IDE & Proteus Setup
2. Electronics circuit simulation using Proteus VSM
3. Basic Overview of Arduino Boards
4. Arduino Simulation in Proteus
1. LED, Button, Relay etc.
2. Sensor interfacing: LDR, LM35, PIR, Sonar
3. LCD & Matrix Keypad Interfacing
4. Password based Door-Lock system
5. Load control using Smart phone via Bluetooth protocol
6. Digital Clock using 7 Segment Display
7. LED-Matrix Display Board Design
8. Obstacle detecting & line following robot
9. Robot Arm Controlling
10. ESP8266 WiFi Module and Introduction to IoT (Internet Of
11. Using GSM Modem for sending SMS, Voice call & controlling
Electrical load.

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